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Titanfall DLC - All content free for both 360 & XB1

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Titanfall DLC - All content free for both 360 & XB1 Empty Titanfall DLC - All content free for both 360 & XB1

Post by Irate Drake Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:09 pm

This is great news for anyone who has Titanfall setting on their shelves and wanted a reason to revisit it, or at least play something else for a little bit.

All DLC packs for Titanfall for 360 and XBOX One are currently free (to gold members anyway).

While your grabbing them, pickup the Hitman HD Pack as well (for 360). Its $5 and you get both Hitman 1 and 2 with updated graphics.

Good deal if your like me and never experienced either games before.
Irate Drake
Irate Drake

Posts : 46
Join date : 2014-07-15
Age : 39
Location : in the KY

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